For Professionals
Vein Dilation
- Enlarged veins allow for successful AV Fistula surgery for hemodialysis
- Vein Dilation important for pre and post fistula placement
- Veins at least 2.5 cm or larger in forearm and 3.5 cm or larger in upper arm ideal
- Larger veins pre-surgery allows for better vein dilation after fistula surgery and faster maturation
- Multiple studies have confirmed large veins and vein dilation important
The Technology
Intermittent, focal pneumatic compression balloon worn on arm.
Focal compression of the arm superficial compartment.
Focal, intermittent compression on the cephalic vein and its branches
Pressure of 60 mm Hg for 20 seconds compression
Intermittent nature allows for repeated compressions altering the vein biology with changes in flow, pressure and biochemical changes

Clinical Data
- Enrolling FACT (Fist Assist Clinical Trial @ The University of Chicago): Presurgery trial, Dr. Mary Hammes (PI).

Intellectual Property
US patent: 8,231,558 B12: Hemodialysis Vein Preparation Apparatus and Methods
Method and Technique patent from USPTO
International patents in place